Complex Supply of Reagent Preparation Lines for Eurochem-Usolsky Potash Plant, LLC

Goal and object’s purpose: supply  of the nine technological lines for the reagent department of potassium chloride processing plant of Usolsky Potash Plant:

  1. binding agent preparation,

  2. dispersing agent preparation,

  3. slurry collecting agent preparation,

  4. amino-n-butyric mixture preparation,

  5. polyacrylamide flocculant,

  6. dust suppressant anti-clodding agent,

  7. slurry depressant preparation,

  8. sylvite collector emulsion preparation,

  9. warm and hot water preparation.

This project contains new development of main agents preparation for potash industry:

All the stages of process are carried out on the equipment of Research and Production Association «Passat». The main type of equipment is the mechanical mixer with agitator. The type of agitator was chosen depending on mixing components qualities (density, viscocity, surface tension, size, concentration of solids and others). Lowspeed and highspeed mixers, rotary-vane, turbine and gate agitator were applied. If necessary, in addition to vessels with agitator special optional equipment were putted to use (pump-gelatinizer, dilution device, discharge system, static mixer and others).

Any reagent preparation process represents the complete  cycle. It equipped with all necessary machines: agitator with vessels, pumps, valves and piping, automation system with working places, control system. Delivery package also includes: commissioning, starting-up, acceptance trials, customer’s specialists training.
